Our Infrastructure Management Service allows you to manage and grow your core business while we provide quality IT support services for your entire network. From day-to-day systems administration to scheduled maintenance our highly trained and professional technical staff can ensure your IT infrastructure is up and running for business.
Experience with the following technology:
Operating Systems: Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, AIX, SunOS, HP-UX
Hardware: IBM pSeries, xSeries (Intel/AMD), Fortinet, Cisco
Software: Websphere products, Lotus Notes, Sametime, DB2, MS Exchange Server, MS SQL Server, Sendmail, Postfix, Apache, PHP, MySQL, and many, many more.
Example Projects On-going or completed:
Migrated several thousand accounts from one Unix platform to another for an educational institution.
Designed, implemented an ISP network, and migrated users from an outsourced environment to in-house, with no downtime for an ILEC.
Maintain day to day operations for ISPs - Mail, Web, Networking, and Security, 24/7 Helpdesk
CALEA (Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act) compliance
Security/Risk Assessments - Banking, Manufacturing, Retail, E-Commerce, finding and demonstrating vulnerabilities in every group.